Sunday, January 18, 2015

Condom Distribution: Part 2

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about the condom distribution project that I am spearheading in my village. Since last posting, the Red Cross has gone on to do several more distributions in the village. I thought it would be neat to post some basic statistics about demographics of the distribution campaign.

Currently, condoms are distributed to 13 institutions around Sefhare. When each institution is given their box(es) of condoms, they are also given a record sheet to track the number of condoms they distribute. The record sheet tracks whether the person collecting the condoms is male or female, youth or adult, and the number of condoms collected.

For example, during the month of August, 4,464 condoms were distributed in Sefhare. The institutions that went through condoms at the highest rates were the Immigration Office and local bar. This high rate of distribution can be attributed to high traffic flow in these institutions. During the month of August, more males than females took condoms, and more youth than adults took condoms.  Youth took the most condoms at social gathering places, such as at the local bar and a hair salon. Female youth took the most condoms at the bar and the Red Cross. Male youth took the most condoms at the bar, the local government office (which is next to a popular volleyball pitch), and the hair salon. Female adults took the most condoms at the primary school, and male adults took the most condoms at the local government office and the bar. 

Because of these trends, we distribute more condoms to institutions near social gathering places than others. It is important that both youth and adults have access to free condoms. And, if used correctly and consistently, condoms can help reduce the spread of STDs and HIV.

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