Friday, August 8, 2014

Condom Distribution Campaign: Part One

While I primarily work with the Red Cross (RC) and schools within Sefhare, I am a community volunteer, and try to work with as many institutions within Sefhare that I can. One of those institutions is the hospital in my town, the Sefhare Primary Hospital.
Because of the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in Botswana, all health clinics and hospitals provide free condoms to Batswana. Most clinics run out of condoms quickly, however, because Sefhare has a hospital (which provides condoms to clinics), the condom supply is plentiful. However, in Sefhare, the hospital is on the edge of town. This provides several problems for community members regarding the ease of access to free condoms. First, many people don’t want to travel that far to have access to free condoms. They also don’t want to spend money on condoms. Therefore, they have sex without condoms. Second, people are afraid (specifically youth) that if they go to the hospital, family members or people they know in the community will see them taking condoms. Thus, they have sex without condoms. As a result of these factors, one of my first projects with the Red Cross was to tap into the resources at the hospital and start a condom distribution campaign in Sefhare.  
The condom distribution campaign started in April. Part of the agreement between the Red Cross, the Primary Hospital, and myself was that if we (the Red Cross and I) were going to distribute condoms in Sefhare, the hospital wanted a record of where the condoms were being used. Therefore, at the beginning of the month, each institution was given a box of condoms and a record sheet to track the number of condoms distributed. The record sheet tracked whether the person collecting the condoms was male or female, youth or adult, and the number of condoms collected. Condoms were packaged in newspaper in packets of six at the Red Cross office. Condoms were distributed to eleven institutions around Sefhare. Most were in areas of high community traffic flow, such as a local bar, the immigration office, and the local Ministry of Parliament’s office. During the month of April, I helped distributed 2,788 condoms to residents in the town of Sefhare.
Almost immediately, several challenges presented themselves. First, there was the challenge of recording the number of condoms distributed. At each institution the Red Cross visited, a contact person was chosen to keep a record of the condoms that were being taken. However, some institutions had trouble recording the number of condoms taken. For example, about a week after the RC dropped the first box of condoms to the Sefhare Land Board, the box was almost empty, yet only two people had recorded the condoms they had taken. One reason for this was that the contact person was often away from her desk and could not accurately track all of the condoms being taken. A secondary reason was that people were uncomfortable writing down themselves that they had taken condoms. This was resolved with a conversation with several of the Land Board staff reinforcing the need to track condoms for monitoring and evaluating purposes, and that if they continued to not track condoms, the RC would not keep supplying. When the Land Board received their second box, the number of condoms distributed was more accurately tracked. 
A second problem was communication. When each institution was given their box, they were told to call the Red Cross when a new box was needed. However, several institutions did not call to request more condoms when they were out. For example, the Sefhare Primary School went through their box of condoms within three days, yet no one called to request a new box. A follow-up discussion was made with the institutions that had difficulty calling to request new condoms, and the responsibility of the contact person to call and request more condoms was further emphasized.
The last problem (and biggest) was transportation and supply. There were several institutions that distributed condoms at a rapid rate, however RC supply was inadequate to keep up with the demand. In addition, for most of April, the Red Cross combi did not have petrol, and was unable to help pick up condoms from the hospital and transport them to the different institutions. Furthermore, because of holiday breaks, the combi was unavailable to assist in condom distribution and collection. These problems persisted up until July, at which point I scheduled an appointment with the hospital to resolve the transportation and supply problems.
To resolve the problems with transportation and supply and communication, I approached the hospital with the following solution: At the beginning of each month, one member from the Red Cross will accompany the hospital car as it drives through Sefhare to drop off condoms. The number of boxes of condoms dropped off at each institution will be based on an estimated amount that the organization will go through during the month. For example, the Immigration Office went through about four boxes of condoms for the month. Therefore, at the beginning of the month four boxes of condoms will be dropped off. This will cut down on transportation time to the different institutions, as well as keep institutions supplied with condoms, so they don’t need to constantly call RC. 
In addition, an added benefit to the hospital taking over transportation will ensure that the project remains sustainable on both the hospital side and the Red Cross side. A sustainability problem I had was that my Field Officer and counterpart in the project was transferred to Gaborone, and therefore could not continue the project when I was away for trainings and workshops. Thus, organizations did not receive condoms for most of May, June and July. On the plus side, institutions we had supplied with condoms kept calling and requested more condoms because the demand for them was high. This let me know that condom distribution within Sefhare was needed and people were using the condoms. Thus, in order to ensure sustainability, the hospital will be in more control over the condom distribution process by providing distribution of the condoms, while Red Cross will be in charge of monitoring condom distribution. This will ensure that even after I leave, the project will be sustainable, as I have trained Red Cross members in tracking the numbers of condoms distributed in Sefhare.
The condom distribution campaign is the first project in Sefhare that I carried out as part of my Peace Corps service. I had helped on projects at the Red Cross before, but never had I spearheaded one myself. I am proud of the impact that it has had on the community and the direct effect it will have on promoting safer sex practices for youth and adults of both genders. In future blog articles, I will post results of the condom distribution campaign from different months so you can all see the allocation of condom use in Sefhare.

The Pitfalls of Sustainability

At the beginning of Peace Corps, during PST, every Peace Corps Volunteer was talking about their “failed projects” and how we will eventually have projects that fail. I resolved never to have that happen to me. Unfortunately, it did.
One of the first projects that I started in my village was a Karate Club. My intention was to start it and center it on informing community members about Gender Based Violence, in addition to teaching them simple self-defense moves.  I was so excited to get started! I had about 20 people signed up, and I was ready to go. However, my excitement soon turned to dismay. The first month that Karate Club started, no one came. Why? It was the rainy season. It rained almost every single day for about a month when Karate Club first started. Because Batswana walk everywhere, and most don’t have cars, Batswana don’t usually brave the elements and go out. This included going to Karate Club.
However, after that first month of disappointment, I soon had about five people who came to Karate Club on a regular basis. I was teaching them my style of karate, Uechi-Ryu, of which I have a black belt in. My little sister just tested for her second-degree black belt, and so I was inspired to start karate up again. It was incredibly challenging. Not everyone came to every class, and so having one teacher teaching five people all at different levels was tricky. However, against all odds, I managed, and I managed to graduate everyone to their first stripe on their white belts.
Then, disaster struck.
Karate was two times a week, for an hour each. However, soon I became too busy to maintain that schedule. I was leaving Sefhare for workshops and trainings almost every month and couldn’t keep a consistent schedule. I eventually had to tell the members of Karate Club that I couldn’t keep the classes going. I was disappointed, but not being able to have a consistent Karate Club schedule was stressing me out. Also, it wasn’t fair to Karate Club members if I couldn’t keep the schedule I had created.
The failure of Karate Club was my first lesson in sustainability. I never envisioned my karate class lasting beyond my service. No one in my town knew my style of karate, but that didn’t matter. My plan was to train the members of Karate Club in GBV and basic self-defense, and then they would inform other community members about what they had learned. It was supposed to be a short-term project. However, I never envisioned that I would become so busy that I couldn’t maintain it even short-term. Thus, my first lesson in sustainability was this: always make sure that you have a clearly defined timeline for projects you want to carry out. I wanted my project to be “short-term,” but I didn’t define short-term. How short was it? One month? Two months? Six months? I didn’t have a time frame, and therefore couldn’t plan at the start of the club to make sure that I could carry out and finish the project.
My second lesson in sustainability was this: always make sure that you have a community partner to carry out projects with you. If I had located an enthusiastic member of Karate Club and trained them separately on the topics I wanted to discuss with the group, they could have continued without me when I was busy, and helped shoulder the burden, ensuring a sustainable project.
While failing at a project was not something I ever wanted to have happen to me, I am glad it happened. It has given me a better understanding of steps that I have to take to ensure that future projects are successful and sustainable.

Running Blog: Weeks 8-9

For these next two weeks I am participating in the beginning of a series of five GLOW camps in the Central District of Botswana. I will write a blog post about the camps later on. However, in summation, the camps are for four days each, and about 40 at-risk youth attend each camp. Sessions run from 8 am to 8 pm almost every day, and are on the topics of life skills, HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence.
Because of the camps, and how exhaustive they are, running for these next two weeks has been a little tricky. Because I am partially in charge of logistics, and am facilitating sessions, I have to get up very early and run (so early I have to run with my headlamp). Luckily, there are three other PCVs attending the camp with me who are also training for the marathon, and therefore also have to run early. It is exhausting but the exercise helps mitigate the general stresses of the camp.
In any event, running with a headlamp makes me feel badass. And like a true runner. And it isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

Running Blog: Week 7

So. Sick.
I drank jojo water (not the cleanest, and it really should be boiled before consuming) because the water was out and I was really thirsty. As a result, I probably gave myself a parasite, and myself sick. Bad life decision. Whoops.
No running this week as I recover.

Running Blog: Week 6

I am following a Hal Higden, 11 week Novice 2 training schedule. The weekday runs usually go as follows:
·      Monday: rest
·      Tuesday: 3 mi
·      Wednesday: 4 mi
·      Thursday: 3 mi
·      Friday: rest
·      Saturday: long run, each weekend run increases in mileage until running 12 miles the weekend before the race
·      Sunday: cross training
As I get closer to the marathon date, the 3, 4, 3 miles runs during the week turn into 3, 5, 3 miles and 2, 3, 2 miles the week before the race.
My body feels a lot stronger now, and my mile time has decreased. However, as a result of my training, I am hungry ALL THE TIME. I am really trying not to snack but it is so hard!

Books for Botswana

My primary assignment area as a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) is the Red Cross, however my secondary assignment area is at the schools in my town. As a result, a lot of the work that I do in my service involves the schools. There are three schools in my village, two primary schools (elementary schools) and a junior secondary school (middle school, also called a J.S.S.). The two primary schools have about 600 students at them. The junior school has about 1,200 students.
My work with the two primary schools has been limited, and mainly my interactions with the students have been through Red Cross presentations for the Month of Youth Against HIV. However, I also participated in something called Books for Botswana, an American NGO that works to deliver books to schools in Botswana. The books are collected via donations in America, but shipped through donations to Africa.
The second of the primary schools is far away from the library in my town, and has no library of its own. As a result, when I received the email from a fellow PCV about schools needing books, I immediately signed my school up.  After a few months, the books finally came.
My school got 18 boxes of books, and each box contained 70-100 books for elementary school children. It was wonderful. Because the school has no library, the books were sorted by grade level, and distributed to the individual classrooms. The classrooms have no bookshelves, but I am hoping to work with the school PTA and find funds to build bookshelves for the books. My school actually received so many books that they couldn’t fit them all in the classrooms, and some had to be stored in the computer lab! 

Students opening the boxes of books.

Sorting the books.

 When we were sorting the books, it was surreal seeing books that I had grown up with that were such a huge part of my childhood.  Books like the Velveteen Rabbit, the Berenstain Bears, Charlotte’s Web, Norma Jean, Jumping Bean, and A Porcupine Named Fluffy. The students were excited when they were looking at the books, and kept getting distracted staring at the pictures.

Some very excited students and teachers!

Students reading the books!

Giving my school these books is one of the projects that I am proudest of since starting my Peace Corps service. As a younger child and teen, I wasn’t allowed to watch TV. As a result, the books I read and the fantasy worlds that they created shaped my childhood. I used to read Harry Potter and imagine what it would be like to use magic and be accepted into Hogwarts. I used to dream about solving mysteries with Nancy Drew. And I used pretend that I was off fighting battles with Aragorn and Legolas in the Lord of the Rings trilogies.  Because of the lack of access to reading materials, children in my town don’t know what it is like to loose yourself in book, exploring a different world for an afternoon. They don’t understand the joy of reading a book, the excitement it can bring to a dull day. And they don’t understand the support and feeling of togetherness and hope that reading a book can bring to a difficult time in your life. Giving children access to books is such an important part of who I am, and what I value, and I am so grateful that I get to share the world of books with them.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Working with the Red Cross

Peace Corps isn’t just about battling bugs and surviving difficult living conditions. The work I do on a day-to-day basis in Peace Corps is incredibly fulfilling, but also incredibly challenging. My primary assignment area, as an NGO volunteer, is the Red Cross. At the Red Cross, my duties mainly revolve around capacity building. To capacity build, I have given typing lessons to about half of the staff, and have taught basic lessons on different Microsoft programs like excel and PowerPoint. For example, when I first arrived at Red Cross, the monthly expenses tracking was done by hand. Therefore, I taught the Administration Officer how to use excel, and showed her some excel basics. Now the monthly expenses are tracked on the computer. In addition, I have also created some new contracts for the Red Cross. I created a contract between parents of children at the Centre and the Centre, outlining the duties and responsibilities of both parties. This was to clear up some challenges the Centre was having regarding the involvement of (or rather lack of) parents at the Centre. In addition, I am helping to apply for a grant for materials to start a garden at the Red Cross.
A large part of my service also consists of working closely with the Field Officer (FO), Karabo, and recruiting more Red Cross members, and raising awareness about the services the Red Cross offers. To accomplish these goals, a few months ago we spent several weeks going around to different institutions in Sefhare and presenting about the Red Cross, the services it offers, how to become a member, and its programs. Red Cross programs in Sefhare include Disaster Management (Sefhare is a disaster area for high winds and rains that destroy houses during the rainy season), HIV/AIDS, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), and Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC). My work mainly focuses around the HIV/AIDS, CBR and OVC programs.

For the HIV/AIDS program, the Field Officer and I are in charge of raising awareness about HIV.  In service of this, during April (the Month of Youth Against HIV/AIDS) we went around to the three different school in Sefhare and presented on topics of HIV/AIDS, peer pressure, multiple concurrent partnerships, stigma and discrimination. The presentations were gave were interactive, and usually included a game. For example, the game that we played at the Junior Secondary School was called HIV Limbo, and it was adapted from the Grassroots Soccer curriculum. During the activity, two students held a limbo pole, and the rest of the students were supposed to limbo under the pole without touching it. If a student touched the limbo pole, they were “infected” with HIV. During the first round of the limbo game, the limbo pole started out high, above the students’ heads. During this first round, students were pretending to abstain from having sex. Because the pole was so high, all students were able to make it under the pole, and they did not get “infected” with HIV. This represented how it was easy to avoid contracting HIV while a person is abstaining from having sex. During the second round, the pole was lowered to the students’ shoulders. During the second round, students were pretending to be engaged in a sexual relationship with a classmate their age. While all students were able to make it under the pole, it was harder to avoid “contracting” HIV. During the final round, the pole was at the student’s hips. During this round, students were pretending that they were engaged in a sexual relationship with a partner who was 10 years older than them. Nearly all of the students touched the limbo pole, and as a result were “infected” with HIV. This last round demonstrated the difficulty of avoiding catching HIV when engaging in an intergenerational relationship. Partners who are five, ten or fifteen years older than the students are more likely to have had more sexual partners, and therefore have more exposure to STDs and HIV. During each round of the game, there were follow-up questions for the students like, “What are the benefits of engaging in a relationship with a partner your age?” or “What is the balance of power like when you are dating someone who is much older than you?” The students loved this game, were engaged and asked a lot of great questions.
Another HIV/AIDS program that the Field Officer and I carried out was delivering presentations to teachers at the schools on topics such as HIV/AIDS prevention, epidemiology, stigma and discrimination. The purpose was to help inform educators about issues that school children are facing surrounding HIV and accepting their HIV positive status. 

Girls attending the Month of Youth Against HIV talk.

HIV Limbo.

Explaining about family planning options to the female students.

A male student demonstrating how to correctly put on a condom with the hospital nurse.

Students looking at pictures of STDs.
My work with the CBR program is mainly involved with helping the Rehabilitation Technician establish a Disability Support Group. The support group, which is for the Tswapong South area (the area Sefhare is in) is to advocate on behalf of those with disabilities, and establish a support network to those with disabilities and their families. I helped draft the constitution for the support group. In addition, I through Peace Corps networking, I received a grant of 20 wheelchairs for people in the CBR program and children at the Centre.
Lastly, I am involved in the OVC program. The OVC program mainly consists of helping out at Kids Club for orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs) on the weekends. In addition, I have taught the pre-school teachers at the Centre fun games to play with the Stimulation Centre children.
However, the Red Cross recently retired the Stimulation Centre pre-school Principal and transferred the Field Officer. Seeing as most of my work was with the Field Officer, I am anxious about what this next phase of my service will look like. No matter what, though, I love working with the Red Cross. They are an incredibly important part of the community in Sefhare, and the work that they do benefits many people. In addition, they support me in every aspect of my service, which is one of the reasons my time in Sefhare has been so productive and successful.

To Hitch or Not To Hitch?

When I first arrived in country and heard about people “hitching,” I thought it was insane, crazy, and frankly, quite dangerous, and I therefore resolved never to do it. When I received my site announcement during PST, and after meeting my counterpart, I was relieved to know that my site, Sefhare, had transport to and from my shopping villages (Palapye and Mahalapye) daily. For about the first two months to my site, I learned the bus schedule and exclusively used buses to get to and from my shopping villages. However, after two months of taking the buses, I finally understood the appeal of hitching.
The bus system in my village is horrible. Buses often don’t come; they break down, are incredibly slow, and there is never sitting room.  My shopping village is 2 hours away. Standing for that long with 60 pounds of groceries on your back is difficult. In addition, waiting at the bus rink for hours with that much food (much of it perishable) increases the likelihood that food will spoil. It took a few months, but I eventually became comfortable with hitching, and even switched my main shopping village to Palapye because it is easier to hitch out from.
Hitching is relatively safe in Botswana, and, because of unreliable public transport, everyone does it. Botswana is a nation of hitchers. There are standard fares for car rides that are usually the same as bus fares. When hitching it is always important that you carry mixed bills with you so that you can pay the driver. When hitching, as with everything else, it is always good to be mindful. When hitching, I always seek out another person (usually a female) who is going the same place as I am. I always make sure that the driver is not drinking or rude.  
I have had some great hitches (new car, leather seats, AC), and some odd hitches. The oddest hitch occurred recently, only a few weeks back. It was a weekday, and another volunteer, Kate Slisz, and I had only thirty minutes to get our shopping done before the next bus left. We had a lot to do. First, we had to take a special cab to Builders World to get screws for a solar dehydrator project we were working on. Then, we had to go to SPAR to buy food for the next few days. Luck was with us, and we finished all of our shopping in time to make it to the bus stop and hitching post. While we were waiting for the bus to arrive, a black car pulled up to the hitching post. It stopped and waited for a few minutes, but people weren’t approaching it. Usually, this means that the car is not picking up passengers. Kate decided to check it out, and found out that the car was going straight to our village! As it turned out, the reason that people were not getting inside was because it was a funeral car. Kate and I, not being particularly picky and in a hurry, decided to take the hitch. Which is how, we ended up hitching in the back of a funeral car next to a white coffin that, while not currently holding a dead body, clearly had held dead people in it at some point (as evidenced by the coffin stains and rolling wheels).

Running Blog: Weeks 3-5

My body hurts. Everywhere. 

Running Blog: Week 2

My Dad, using satellite imaging of my village (who knew?), tracked out different distances in my village for me to run. Turns out, what I thought was 5k turns out was actually a 10k. I was running about five miles every morning, not 3. Hence why it took me about an hour.  I feel much better about my general level of fitness now.
It is getting easier to get up in the morning and run. However, because it is winter, it is also getting darker in the morning. The sun doesn’t come up until about 6:30!

Running Blog: Week 1

For those of you who don’t know, I am training for the Victoria Falls Half-Marathon. About half of the Bots ‘14 group (my intake group) is going, and it is going to be ridiculously fun. The run in on the Zimbabwe side of the falls, and the race route follows the edge of the falls. Therefore, I am not really sure how much running I will be doing, as I anticipate I will be taking photos every few feet. It might hinder my race time.
Training in my village presents two main problems. First, the sand. There is one paved road in my village. It runs from one side to the other, and splits Sefhare down the middle. To get to the main road takes about 10 minutes of running in sand. Running in sand is difficult, and you have to train carefully to be able to run in sand well. Therefore, I make sure that I really stretch my ankles before running, as I don’t want to twist an ankle while running in the sand.
The second problem about running in my village is the distance. I don’t have a clear measurement of how far I am running. According to the combi driver at the Red Cross, from the Hospital to the Immigration Office in my town (from one side to the other, following the paved road), it is about 2.5k. Which means, there isn’t really anywhere to run except from one side of my village to the other. It is very boring.
Today I did my first 5k training run. It took me 1 hour, based on what I was told on distances. I usually can do a 5k in about 30 minutes, and even if I was walking, I don’t think it would take me that long. And I am not that out of shape. I swear.
Therefore, problem number two: I don’t know how far these distances are! The race is at the end of June, so I have a lot of time to train. So, fingers crossed it goes well! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Creepy Crawly Things: Part 2

Cockroaches are now falling from my ceiling now. I kid you not. I wake up to them lying on their backs because they have fallen and cannot turn over. It would be hilarious, if it was not so terrifying at the same time. But I am getting used to it. I've gotten used to most of the bugs by now, but there are still some creepy crawlies that manage to surprise me. Please see below, for what I am referring to:

Beetles: These beetles are scary. While they don't actually do anything, I have woken up several times during the night because they have been trying to scratch their way under my door. They sounds like mice. There are also flying versions of these that crash against my windows at night.

Tarantula: This one was in my sitting room. It is all mangled because I killed it by stomping on it a few times. I have no regrets.

 Centipedes: This one is as long as my foot!

Sotojane: These creepy crawlies look like blue lobsters. In English, they are called "Corn Crickets." They are, in fact, pests that eat sorghum, maize and almost anything else at the fields. I took a picture of this one on my house.

Camel Spider: These are fast, and very juicy when you kill them. So oftentimes, they are as gross alive as they are dead.

Water Is Life

Water is life. A coworker said that to me recently. And I never really understood it until recently. As a PCV, we often ask ourselves the question, “what would we rather have: electricity or water?” Until recently, I would have said electricity. Now, my answer would be water. 

A neighbor came to our compound to fill up water at my landlady's jojo.
 It has been 8 weeks since I have had running water. At first, it was difficult because the large jojo that my landlady has that stores water was empty. Thankfully, the Red Cross was wonderful and helped me fill up buckets with water and drive them to my house when I need it. 

The jojo that my landlady uses to fill up with water.

After my landlady was able to fill up her jojo, it was a lot better, and I could access water in my front yard. However, the jojo water is not drinkable. There are far too many worms and other bacteria in there for me to drink it safely without boiling it. It is OK to bathe in and flush my toilette. To drink, I either have to boil the water and then filter it (which takes a long time), or I go to the Red Cross with water bottles and carry the water back to my house. I opt for the second choice, as it is much more convenient. Unfortunately, Red Cross sometimes runs out of water too. 

The containers that I store water in.
I have become very good at conserving water. I can now bathe with half a bucket of water. Three weeks ago, the water came on for a few days, and when I was bathing, I had about half a bucket of water left each time after my bath that I didn’t know what to do with. 
 Thankfully, my water situation isn't as bad as it could be. Having access to water in my front yard is wonderful, and I don't mind carrying water to and from work to drink. There are a lot of PVCs who have worse water situations that me. 
And, when all else fails, I do this: 

Trying to collect enough water to bathe in.

Thankfully, it's the rainy season. 

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I spent most of January in in Gabarone, Botswana (the capital city), attending In-Service Training (or IST). IST is an intensive training after volunteers complete our Community Assessment period. The Community Assessment period (in colloquial terms for us PCVs, it is referred to as “lockdown”) is the first two-and-a-half months when volunteers are at sites, and they compete a report about the community, and what needs the PCV finds in the community. During IST we were trained on various tools to implement in our communities, such as Grassroots Soccer, STEPS films, and more. I will dedicate future blog posts to explaining these types of tools and how they benefit the community I am working in.
IST, just like Shadowing during PST, was a wonderful break from site.  It was the first time I had seen all 56 of my fellow PCVs since our swearing-in ceremony in October. It was so great to talk to my friends about their sites, the hardships they had faced, and the friends they had made. In addition to seeing my friends, a wonderful bonus was the amenities: our room had air conditioning, a shower (no bucket baths! No having to heat up water to bathe!), a pool, and catered food. It was a great break.
One of the best parts was exploring Gabarone. And by exploring, I mean going to the malls! Walking through the malls felt very weird. And normal. I went into a bookstore, a store called Hi-Fi (akin to a Best Buy), and found Nutella and gluten free pasta. There was even a movie theater! 
However, even at the hotel we were staying in, I couldn’t forget I was in Botswana. On night two, the AC broke in our hotel room and we had to open the windows to let cool air in. While my roommate was opening the curtains to get to the windows, a cockroach fell from the curtains. We then spent a few minutes trying to catch the roach as it scurried about our room. Once we opened the window, mosquitoes flew in, and kept us up the rest of the night. The next night, I killed a cockroach in our tub. Because it was late, I didn’t move it out of the tub. The next morning, our bathroom was swarmed with ants carrying off pieces of the cockroach. It was gross.
For the most part, IST was a welcome relief from village life. Here are a few things I didn’t miss about village life:
·     Chasing chickens out of my house.
·   The rain falling on my tin roof as I try to fall asleep (it sounds like the sky is falling when it rains, it is so loud!).
·     There were about 5 dead cockroaches on my floor when I came home.
·      Sand – it gets everywhere!
·   Lack of running water. Last night, after making a dinner of canned chicken and gluten free crackers (courtesy of my aunt – thanks!) I put the dishes in my sink to do in the morning. Well, the next morning the water went off. Having to boil water before doing dishes is really tedious.
·      The birds on my roof.
·      How hot it is!
While I enjoyed IST, I am very glad to be back in my Sefhare. I have many ideas of projects I want to implement in my village, and now, I finally can!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Botswana Red Cross: Sefhare Stimulation Centre

Please find below a brief history and summary of the NGO that I work with: the Botswana Red Cross located in Sefhare, Botswana. 

The Sefhare Stimulation Centre was founded in 1998, because Red Cross volunteers in the community saw a need for a centre for the disabled, and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). The original Stimulation Centre program hosted about 6 students daily. They were brought to the Centre by their parents, and food and transport were not available. The current building that Red Cross (RC) operates in was built in 2006, by a local Catholic Church Nun, Sister Frances Boston. It started with 20 children in 2006, and has now grown to 43 children, with the capacity for 45. Red Cross staff includes: two teaching aids, an Administrative Officer, a cleaner, the Chef, the Field Officer, the Rehabilitation Officer, a combi driver, and the Principal/Stimulation Teacher. 

There are two programmes at the Red Cross in Sefhare. There is Branch Development (which is run by the Field Officer) and Community Based Rehabilitation (which encompasses the Pre-school and Stimulation classes). The Stimulation Centre services OVCs and disabled ages 2-12, from seven villages in the Tswapong South region. OVCs and those with special needs are referred to the Centre by the S&CD (Social and Community Development) office, the hospitals, or health workers. There are two classes taught at the Centre. The first is the Stimulation Class. This class is for the children with special needs. Those with special needs include those with physical disabilities, speech difficulties, mental illnesses, and poor fine and gross motor skills. The most common disability is Cerebral Palsy. The second class is the Pre-school Class. This class hosts mostly OVCs, and those children with special needs who have graduated from the Stimulation Class because they have gained enough skills to participate fully in the Pre-school Class. Those students with special needs are evaluated before entering primary school to determine if they have acquired the skills necessary to succeed in a primary school environment.
The topics that are covered in the Pre-Primary Curriculum Framework, and subsequently incorporated in the curriculum at the Centre, include: Personal, Emotional and Social Development; Language development and Early Literacy; Health, Nutrition and Safety; Mathematics and Scientific Thinking; Physical, Creative and Aesthetic Development; Moral and Spiritual guidance. Because Botswana does not yet have a standard Pre-Primary Curriculum, the teachers at the school adapt the lessons to fit the needs of the children.
As a result of these topics, children at the Centre are trained, among many other skills, in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) (this includes toilet training and learning how to eat by themselves), fine and gross motor skills training, physical education, and pre-literacy skills. The children learn many of these skills through story-telling, rhymes and songs, colouring and painting, and playing games. The Stimulation and Pre-School classes are occasionally combined, and daily lesson plans are loosely coordinated.
The Red Cross provides breakfast and lunch to the children every day. The meals are designed to provide a nutritious, well-balanced meal for the children. In addition, children are picked up and dropped off at home in a special Red Cross combi. Children living in Sefhare, Chadibe and Borotsi attend school Monday through Friday. Those who live in villages farther away are brought to the Centre twice a week.
In addition to the services provided above, RC provides rehabilitation services to the children with disabilities at the Centre. RC also has an extensive Community Based Rehabilitation program within the communities is Tswapong South that is supported by trained RC volunteers. 

Stimulation Centre Rehabilitation Room for the children.

The Red Cross has an extensive network of trained volunteers. These volunteers are trained in areas such as: First Aid, Disaster Management and Community Based Rehabilitation. In particular, volunteers are vital to programs run by the Red Cross, such as Kids Club and the Mentorship Program. The primary objective of the Kids Club is to break the stigma between children with disabilities and those without. The secondary objective is to create a safe environment, which allows children to receive and give support from RC volunteers and their peers, and to develop Life Skills.
The children who are registered in the Mentorship Program are children who have been identified by the S&CD program as children who are OVCs. Each child/family has a mentor (a RC volunteer who has been trained for this program) who visits the child/household twice a month to talk with the child/children. The goal of this program is to provide vulnerable children with a mentor in the community who can be a positive role model and provide support and guidance to the children.
The RC in Sefhare is home to some amazing people. The teachers, volunteers and students are some of the most resilient, dedicated, and talented people I have ever met. I cannot wait until after In-Service Training, when I can finally start implementing projects within the community, and start giving back to the people who have helped me become part of the Sefhare community.